Our Reason for Being.

Make data understandable and actionable for everyone.

We believe technology can empower people if applied responsibly and unobtrusively. We strive to fulfill this belief by building tools and experiences for a wide audience. Our work aims to democratize literacy and agency by revealing insights that are hidden and enabling actions that are out of reach. We dedicate our expertise and passion to creating solutions that assist humans individually and advance humanity as a whole.

We are a diverse and inclusive team of makers. We combine strategic thinking with practical skills in design and engineering to create simple and durable results. Pushing boundaries of accepted norms and established processes. Embedding substance and care into everything we do. The pride in our craftsmanship, the quality of our work, and the joy of collaboration matter most to us.

We support our clients with a mindset of curiosity and creativity. Building meaningful and sustainable relationships, where shared achievement outweighs individual profit. We recognize the impact of our work on people, organizations, and our environment. Therefore, we assume responsibility beyond our own actions by integrating ethical considerations into everything we do.

Interactive Things is a place to think, create, and learn. A space where we come together and collaborate. With people we like and respect. For people we want to serve. Towards a future we want to see become reality.

—Interactive Things